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Tarot Report 12/18-12/25

Tanisha Holmes

Lenormand Cards this week, the cards were created by @grandma's baby apothecary

Cycles and contracts that ask you to have the strength and see the worth in yourself. Stop asking others to see your worth when it is you who needs to see your worth. It is you who needs to answer to your calling and the reason you came into this world. It is not others and their opinions and ideas that are going to take you to where you need to be, but it is you. You were birthed with an idea, you were awakened with a goal, and something was put on your heart and head that you need to heed too. It is time to answer to that call and let yourself be whisked away. Often times you are scared to be whisked away by a goal or a dream because you are afraid that you will fail or it will not pan out how you hoped it would. In this case, it is safe to see how things pan out. As long as you listen to your spirit and what you spirit has to say, follow your dreams. Listen to your intuition, go and do.

Use your spiritual gifts to see things from a new perspective. Let old contracts run their course so new ones can be born. When you feel that birthing of something in your body allow it to come through. That birth takes time to really see itself through. It takes time to come to, it takes 10 months to carry a baby, and how long does it take for an elephant to give birth? 22 months, things that you are birthing whether an idea, degree, business, goal or anything it takes time and that is okay!

So let this new thing take time and run its course. It is a good thing you are going towards. It is time for you to be happy in what you do and you to be satisfied. It is time to be seen as you are truly are and not who you need to be to make money. You don't have to remain in the shadows when it comes to your gift. It is safe to be seen again. Take those opportunities that don't seem perfect and let them fit.

You didn't make it through all you been through to live small. Let things die that need to and hold onto what your heart tells you to keep close. Keep chosen family close and let abusive family go because you are here now committed to healing and they are still in their ways. But guess what? You have a choice now. Remind yourself that, remind your inner child that you might not have had a choice then but you have a choice now to not choose abusive situations, places and people. No one can abusive you if you don't let em.

Live how you want to live with your chosen family and chosen people. Feel all you need to but do not let those things hold you cause you aren’t them and you aren’t stuck in that abuse anymore.

“Cooling water from grandmas well.”

Make yourself some cooling water this week with some blueing, cascarilla and Flordia water. Pray for cleansing over your space and over everything you need cleansed. Whatever you need to be cleansed and renewed place this water over it and keep this water in a cool space until you need it again. Remake it if you need it, or keep it in a cool place. You have blessings on the way for you and you need to cleanse out the old to let in the new.

If you need some help with money or you having money troubles take some bills and place them in your home and in your car. Try to use as big bills as possible and place them in spaces to keep money around you and call money into you. Especially if you have anxiety around money, keep actually money on you and show yourself it is safe to keep money and it is okay to keep money around you. Show yourself you are worthy of money.

$2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills; let the money rain in. My Nana use to give me buckets of money wrapped in my Christmas gifts once I got older. That showed me I was worthy of money and I deserved to receive money. We are all worthy and deserving of money, never forget that.

Have a great week! Remember if you want to book a personal reading you can always email me here! It will be similar to this but based upon the question you ask.



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