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Tarot Report 12/11-12/17

Tanisha Holmes

Help is on the way; you just have to hang tight. There is not much you can do at this moment in time, but you just need to sorta hang out and let your mind go, let your mind rest and be at peace. This situation is bigger than you and me. Everything is not meant to be figured out by you and you alone. You alone do not have the power to figure this situation out by yourself. So through it all, you need to hang tight. Help is on the way.

Five of wands always make me think there is going to be a battle, there is going to be strife, and it will not be easy. That is a weird card to have with the Hanged Man because that card asks us to chill out while five of wands warns of a fight to come. But the fight to come is not one that you will be able to resolve. With these two cards together, I see it as a you can try to battle your way through, but a battle will not help you. A battle will only exhaust you and everyone involved. You know how two people drag on a fight for years with no resolution to ever come? That is what will happen if you choose to approach this situation with a fight. In this situation you could possibly even loose the fight because the other person may have more power in this situation than you. So the best bet is to chill out and get a higher entity or mediator involved. Please do not approach this with just you.

With The Hierophant, there has to be a bigger person to answer to in this situation. This may indicate having to take this issue that you cannot handle yourself to god, to court or to something bigger and higher than you. Because you alone do not have the power to figure it out or resolve it. So literally let it go and let god. You are going to exhaust yourself trying to figure out the way or the right answer.

Sometimes you literally have to accept limitations. Accept that you will not be able to do everything. You just literally will not. No matter how much you try and fight your way through it you will not be able to. So it is best if you put the knives down now and be prepared to let other people handle it this time around.

An outside person who has no ties to either parties will be the only resolution to the situations that arrive this week.


  • Book a reading with a diviner you trust

  • If needed, go to court.

  • If it is work-related seek out help from HR or EEOC

  • Hire a mediator/go to therapy

To help you seek peace and calm down, take a white bath with coconut water and cascarilla. Cascarilla can be purchased from any Botanica near you. (Yes there are botanicas everywhere!) Take your bath and calm down.

If you do not have any access to these things take a bath with epsom salt and pray for calmness in your head. Sit in the bath and take deep breathes. Lean into calmness this week please.


Go back and grab it. This week will be a great week to go back and grab things you have put down. This could have been a hobby, a job, or a part of a self-care routine you use to do but just fell out of doing. Sometimes we let go of things, but they always seem to come back around. If you notice an old pattern or thing coming up, embrace it. Sometimes we have to go back and review old things because we put them down for them to come back around when we need them. Now is that time to lean into the old. The old you was wise too.



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